A Qualified Attorney Will Make Sure That You Receive Compensation For Your Car Accident Injury In Dania Beach


Have you recently been involved in an auto accident in Dania Beach? These are perhaps one of the most common accidents not only in Florida but in the United States. Since Florida is one of the most populous states in the country, purchasing motor vehicles is undoubtedly important to be able to circulate in the streets. 

Car accidents can lead to several physical, emotional, and financial consequences that will negatively affect your quality of life. Depending on the force of the collision, these events can cause permanent injuries such as paralysis, brain damage, loss of limbs, and even death. In 2019, 243 individuals lost their lives in car crashes in Broward County, while 3,273 people died in these accidents in the entire state of Florida.

These incidents may also force you to miss work and pay costly medical bills. This situation can be extremely troublesome because you will be losing a vast amount of income instead of receiving it. 

Apart from these damages, auto accidents can give rise to a set of legal disputes between every party involved in the incident. Additionally, their insurance companies may also intend to prove that you were responsible for the accident. For this reason, you will require the representation of an auto accident lawyer.

These trained legal experts will prove that you are not to blame for the cause of the incident, as well as ensure that you receive monetary compensation for your car accident injury in Dania Beach

As you read forward, you will learn about the most common causes of car accidents in Dania Beach, the legal framework of the accident, and the benefits of hiring an accident attorney during this type of dispute. 

What Are The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Dania Beach? 

It is important to be aware that auto accidents often arise when drivers breach their duty of care of other drivers. This means that their negligence entitles you to receive compensation for any damages that had been created. That is why it is important to be attentive to the cause of the accident. Here are the most common causes of car accidents: 

  • Distracted driving has become a larger threat since the last decade. The usage of cell phones while driving is perhaps the clearest example of distracted driving. However, there may be other external causes that may take the driver’s attention away from the road. For example, these can range from animals on the street and bad weather. 
  • Drunk driving will indeed affect all drivers’ reactions. Individuals under the influence of alcohol are often not aware of their actions. As a result, people may drive recklessly. 
  • An increase in average speed is directly related to the severity of all car accident injuries. 
  • Running red lights is perhaps the most common cause of these incidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, in 2018, nearly 139,000 individuals were injured in red-light running collisions. 

Car Accident Law in Florida

Car accident law is the legal framework that determines who is responsible for the personal and property damages resulting from traffic collisions. These guidelines consist of the principles of negligence. Like other cases in which negligence law applies, auto accident litigation is controlled by state law.

  • Comparative Negligence Law: This mandate determines the fault percentage of each party involved in the collision. Florida law states that you can recover damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost income if your fault percentage is lower than the other party’s.

    However, if you were partially responsible for the accident, your compensation will be reduced according to your fault percentage. For example, if you were 20% liable for the incident, your reward will be reduced by 20%.
  • Statute of Limitations: This law determines the time limit that car accident victims are given to file a lawsuit. In Florida, individuals are given four years from the date of the incident to file a lawsuit. If you do not file the lawsuit within this timeframe the court will likely deny your claim.
  • Determining Liability: If the incident is not limited to the personal injury protection coverage, determining fault will be needed. Insurers, judges, and juries can determine who was responsible for the accident based on evidence such as: 

1.    Statements from victims and eyewitnesses, 

2.    Police reports,

3.    Photographs or footage of the event, 

4.    Damage to vehicles,  

5.    Medical reports. 

  • Requirements to Report a Car Accident: Individuals must report any accident that they have been involved in if it resulted in death, personal injuries, or property damage of $500 or more. It is mandatory to report the incident to the local police department or the sheriff's office of the Florida Highway Patrol depending on the area or road in which the accident occurred 

How a Dania Beach Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

  • By hiring a Dania Beach auto accident attorney you will have a trained expert who professionally understands traffic law.
  • As we mentioned before, there will be cases where insurance firms intend to deny fault or provide you an incorrect amount of compensation. Once you hire a Dania Beach car accident attorney, he or she will communicate on your behalf and express your interests to insurers. 
  •  Your attorney has the expertise to properly determine the compensation that you are entitled to by examining your pain and suffering, reviewing police reports, and calculating the amount of income that you’ve missed throughout your recuperation period
  • Your injury attorney can gather evidence of the incident by reviewing street camera footage, requesting witness statements, and reviewing police reports in hopes of determining that the other party was responsible for the accident. 
  • Your claim can be denied if it does not comply with state regulations. For that reason, a lawyer can help you properly file your claim and comprehend the legal terminology found within these documents. 

Hire a Lawyer Right Now!

This information was brought to you by the most competent lawyers in South Florida. We hope that you understood that an auto accident attorney in Florida will deliver the right set of justice for your car accident injury in Dania Beach. So, we urge you to pick up the phone and make the call to an attorney right away!


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